Which pool has the greatest adverse(negative) insurance risk - EXPLAIN
List and explain 2 characteristics that u used to determine risk 7 pts
Risk pool A:
• Risk indicators - all employees of financial institution. 75 total employees, 50 female 25 male. The average of female is 45. the average age of male is 25 years. Average years of formal education all employees 16 years. 100% of the employees have sedentary desk jobs and spend 75% of their day in cubicles. 50% of the employees report rigorous exercise 3 times per week. 25% of the employees admit to smoking 1 pack of cigs per day. Employees commute on an average of 5 miles one way to work each day.
Pool B:
• risk indicators - work an manufacturing facility. 75 total employees, 25 female and 50 male. Average female age is 32. average male age is 4. average years of formal education all employees 12 years. 100% employees spend 75% of their work day on their feet working the assembly line. 25% of the employees report rigorous exercise 3 times per week. 5% employees reported smoking 11 packs cigs a day. Employees commute on average 15 miles one way each day to work on a public transit system